We hire Romanian & English teachers

We hire Romanian & English teachers

FITT launched a project aiming to create friendly contexts and spaces for young people who have taken refuge from the armed conflict in Ukraine in Timiș County. We want the project to contribute to building the trust of young Ukrainians in the local community in our...
DIGITAL (r)EVOLUTION – Youth exchange

DIGITAL (r)EVOLUTION – Youth exchange

Between 1st and 7th of July, join us in Timisoara for a 5 days experience, bringing together 38 young people from Europe and not only! DIGITAL (r)EVOLUTION is a youth exchange meaning to empower young people and to better develop their digital skills and to explore...
FITT is hiring!

FITT is hiring!

[EN version below] FITT demarează luna aceasta un proiect menit să creeze contexte și spații prietenoase tinerilor care s-au refugiat de conflictul armat din Ucraina în județul Timiș. Ne dorim ca proiectul să contribuie la construirea încrederii tinerilor ucraineni în...