de Anastasia Coste | mart. 31, 2021 | General
De un an, pandemia și carantina repetată în Timișoara au schimbat continuu mersul lucrurilor. Prin urmare, am învățat să ne adaptăm. Ceea ce a fost inițial ciudat și poate puțin copleșitor a devenit acum natural în viața noastră de zi cu zi....
de Admin | mart. 23, 2021 | European Solidarity Corps
FITT is looking for 40 young people willing to get involved in the process of developing the community of Lugoj, a city in Romania. Solidarity for Lugoj is a team volunteering project and it is about solidarity, participation, community involvement, and social...
de Admin | mart. 11, 2021 | European Solidarity Corps
FITT is looking for Romanian young people, willing to volunteer and to make a change in the community. Semper Avanti NGO is implementing volunteering projects in Poland, in Wrocław and Opole. If you are between 18 and 30 years old and you accept the challenge and to...