de Admin | apr. 17, 2022 | General
In Europe, there is a shrinking trend of civic spaces for young people, with severe consequences for them. They become less engaged as European citizens and are limited in their fundamental rights to gather and express themselves freely. Results of these...
de Anastasia Coste | apr. 15, 2022 | Casa Tineretului
Sâmbătă, 16 aprilie 2022, timișorenii sunt invitați să se alăture evenimentului de ecologizare a lizierei Pădurii Verzi din Timișoara. Acțiunea de voluntariat face parte din proiectul „O Românie Curată începe de acasă”, dezvoltat de Asociația Act for Tomorrow și...
de Admin | apr. 1, 2022 | General
Between the 15th and 21st of April 2022, Timis County Youth Foundation will host a training course focusing on the photovoice method for making youth voices heard and activating young people. If you are a youth worker, youth leader or you are a volunteer within a...