
This year we are preparing lots of cool opportunities for youth, and we are inviting you to join. Check the following Erasmus+ youth exchanges out: 

Green action through Photovoice (March 31-April 6) 

Breaking barriers (May 7-May 14) 

You are not alone (May 27-June 3) 


Green action through Photovoice  

Green action through Photovoice is a youth exchange that will take place between the 31st of March and the 6th of April in Timisoara, Romania. The participants will learn about phone photography and the Photovoice method, and ways to tell their story to a public using visual elements. The great thing about Photovoice is that it is beginner friendly, so anyone can share their ideas through it. 


  • Increasing awareness and critical thinking among participants about environmental issues; 
  • Developing concrete actions to have a daily positive impact on nature; 
  • Learning about phone photography and the Photovoice method; 
  • We will highlight the importance of the Photovoice method to collect the needs, facilitate the dialogue between youth and decision-makers, and activate young people to take action for the environment. 

Before the youth exchange, we will also have an Advance Planning Visit (APV) between the 7th-9th of March in which we will get to know each other, share what we can contribute with, discuss the group leaders’ responsibilities, and the schedule for the youth exchange. 

Our partners for this youth exchange are from Armenia, Spain, Portugal, Georgia, and Serbia. 


Apply here


Breaking barriers  

From the 7th to the 14th of May we will host a youth exchange on gender equality, named Breaking barriers. This youth exchange will focus on human rights, gender equality and women’s empowerment to take initiative and benefit from the rights and opportunities they have. Participants will be invited to become aware of the problems faced by girls and women in the community and will develop their behaviour based on gender equality and solidarity.  

Our proposal directly targets: Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities and acceptance of diversity (diversity can have a wide range: tolerance, human rights, harnessing differences, etc.) Activities aimed at young people, in general, are designed to give confidence to young people and at the same time to provide them with informational baggage in the field of human rights education and gender equality. 


  • Learning about Human Rights Education with a focus on gender equality, solidarity, diversity and inclusion; 
  • Focus on non-formal education and experiential learning; 
  • Discover a nonviolent communication model, dialogue for peace principles and conflict management for gender justice. 

Also, before that time, we would host an Advance planning visit (APV) between the 11th-13th of April. During this time, we will prepare the schedule and the activities together with our partners. 

The partners for this youth exchange according to our planning would be from Serbia, Portugal, Spain and Turkey. 


Apply here

You are not alone 

This youth exchange will take place between May 27-June 3 and the main focus is mental health for young people. During this period the participants will discover what affects their state of mind and find out ways to increase their motivation, with a focus on emotions, self-care and well-being. You are not alone explores tools and methodologies based on experiential learning and personal narratives aimed at empowering young people by improving their communication skills and supporting them in the process of making their voices heard and opening up about mental health challenges. The youth exchange will be done using a range of experiential learning opportunities, nonformal educational approaches, storytelling, participatory art, mindfulness and body movements. 


  • Acquire knowledge in the field of mental health, psychology of emotions and mindfulness practices; 
  • Use of storytelling, participatory art and sports activities as ways to express our emotions and connect to each other; 
  • Develop compassionate and empathetic attitudes towards your own mental health and others. 

We will host an Advance planning visit (APV) between the 3rd-5th of May. During this time, we will prepare the schedule and the activities together with our partners. 

Our partners for this youth exchange, according to our planning, are from Hungary, Germany, Turkey, Spain, and Portugal. 


Apply here