editing and printing services training materials, from the Project Innovation Center and excellence in the field of public youth policies, cod SIPOCA 351/SMIS2014 + 112332 CPV: 79970000-4, 79950000-8 description of contract: service provision According to the specifications and request for the offer found on the site ww.fitt.ro the estimated value without VAT: 9592,80 Lei contract terms: the services will be rendered according to the requirements stipulated in the specifications. The payment of the services is made with the OP, based on the tax invoice, after receiving them, within 30 days. Conditions of participation: The farm offer, signed and stamped, done in Lei, will be sent by e-mail achizitii@fitt.ro incomplete offers or which will not comply with the above requirements will not be subjected to analysis. Tenders which do not meet the requirements of the specifications shall be declared non-compliant. Award criteria: Lowest price deadline receive offer: 06.11.2018, ora 18.00 Additional information: Any clarification will be requested on e-mail achizitii@fitt.ro specifications editing services and printing materials training in Project Framework SIPOCA 351SMIS2014 + 112332 solicitation offers editing and printing services training materials of the project SIPOCA 351SMIS2014 + 112332 forms editing services and printing materials instruction MODEL Contract Services editing and printing training materials