
Strategy 2017-2022

The strategy of the Timiş Youth County Foundation (Fitt) for the period 2017-2022 was voted by the Governing board on 18 May 2017 and was adopted by the General Assembly on 10 July 2017

Fitt Vision for 2022

Fitt is the relevant and representative Organisation for young people in Timiş County. Fitt has a strong network of members and supports and represents young people at county, national and European level, while providing young people with consultancy, counselling and leisure services. Fitt responds to the identified needs of young people from Timiş County by providing them with a network of specialists employed and volunteers, where young people are, and in the premises recognised as the European Youth Centre and European Centre for Education in the field of Public participation of young people. Fitt addresses and effectively interacts with member organisations, authorities, partners and the media, guaranteeing and supporting the right to free association and participation in the public life of young people in Timiş County. In order to ensure these services to young Timişeni, Fitt has several categories of funding sources, coming, in particular from the private environment, but also from the public and from their own incomes.

(I) Programmes, projects, activities, services and for youth

In the spirit of implementing international, European, national, county and local strategic measures, Fitt develops the following programmes for youth, through projects comprising services and activities:

  Euro Youthouse, by Fitt (contains projects specific to the European dimension of the Youth centre)  

  Timinnovate, by Fitt (contains projects with, for and about Fitt members, informal groups, other NGOs and their ideas)  

  Timforall, by Fitt (contains projects with, for and about young people from large and small urban)  


Ruralactive, by Fitt (contains projects with, for and about young people in rural areas)


Objective 1. Supporting the personal development of young people from disadvantaged communities in Timiş County:

1.1. Identify and improve self-perception (trust and respect) of rural youth and economically disadvantaged communities by: taking contact with young people from a disadvantaged community; The constant organization of leisure activities in neighbourhoods; Workshops identifying their self-perception, interpersonal knowledge and strengthening the group in economically disadvantaged communities/rural areas; Organizing together a joint project/event for the whole neighborhood; Digital Storytelling workshops. 1.2. Supporting young people in economically disadvantaged and rural communities to find and define their role in society by: information; Advice Information workshops on the exercise of human rights. 1.3. Changing community perception towards young people from economically disadvantaged and rural environments through: human rights workshops; Dissemination of the results of the digital storytelling workshop; Activities with both groups (disadvantaged young people and the community). 1.4. Involvement of young people from economically disadvantaged and rural environments in dialogue with the authorities, by: debate and follow-up workshops; Public café with representatives of institutions and public authorities in the neighborhood/community. 1.5. Preventing the appropriation of young people from extremist rhetoric by: creating an optional intercultural dialogue.

Objective 2. Increasing the participation of young people in Timiş County

2.1. Development of youth participation skills by: information on mechanisms and tools for participation in decision-making at public authorities level (knowledge); Initiate a advocacy campaign on a problem they identify (attitudes); Simulations for the use of participation mechanisms (skills). 2.2. Stimulating the spirit of youth involvement by: supporting informal groups by offering grants to support the spirit of initiative; Gathering and publishing of the testimonials of the young people involved in the community-the power of example-; Creation of youth initiative groups in neighbourhoods. 2.3. Creating a toolbox that facilitates participation by: Activating the Advisory Council on Youth Issues in addition to the Timisoara City Hall; Establishment of the Advisory Council on Youth Issues in addition to the Timiş County Council; Development of a Youth consultation application, 2.4. Stimulating local and regional institutions and public authorities to become more friendly with young people by: establishing youth departments within local and regional authorities.

Target 3. Supporting the volunteer movement among young people in Timiş County

3.1. Encouraging volunteering among young people in Timiş County, by: the "Voluntaria" platform; Development of the "Volunteer with 2 hours" programme; Campaign to promote volunteering; Sending volunteers through the European Voluntary service; Opening of 2 volunteers positions for 6 months in the Fitt Department of Programs and activities; Organization of the "NGO Fair"; Adding the section "volunteering" among the categories within the gala of youth projects organized by Fitt; The involvement of Fitt team in volunteering activities every 6 months; Involvement in national/European campaigns supporting volunteering. 3.2. Promoting the practice of volunteering under the legislation in force, by: volunteer Management sessions; Information campaign on voluntary contracts and legislation.


(II) European dimension of the Youth centre

Objective 1. Fitt's involvement in the implementation and development of European youth events

1.1. Organizing the European Week of Youth Centres (2017-2022), following steps: Establishment at European level; Preparation of edition I; drafting the Implementation Guide; Conduct of edition I.

1.2. Organizing, within the European Week of Youth participation, the annual conference (and Competition) of scientific papers/articles in the field of public participation (examples of good practice), with the aim of: encouraging members to develop partnerships European Dedicating the event to the European youth capitals.

1.3. Organizing as an annual event of a European cooperation Congress in the field of youth (contact making seminar) for the conclusion of partnerships at the level of the countries of the Council of Europe.

1.4. organizing conferences, using structured dialogue as a reference element.

1.5. Participation in regular meetings of the Assembly of European Regions – Youth Regional Network.

1.6. Creating a European network on youth participation.

1.7. The European Youth Centre within Fitt becomes the leading youth centre in southeast Europe through: meetings in the region; Conferences.

Objective 2. Development and maintenance of European Fitt centres

2.1. Development and organisation of the European Education Centre in the field of youth participation, through the following steps: Writing the curriculum; Writing the manual. 2.2. Participation in regular meetings of the European Network of Youth Centres. 2.3. Participation in/organizing meetings of the youth Centres platform accredited with quality certificate for youth centres by the Council of Europe, by: training sessions for the members of the platform; Becoming Fitt reference source within the network in the field of public participation of young people; Organizing one of the meetings of the platform members.

Target 3. Developing resources, partnerships and youth opportunities at European level

3.1. Conclusion of partnerships/protocols with similar European entities (long term agreements) by: developing youth exchange on activities relevant to the European context at that time; Concluding framework protocols with key institutions on various domains. 3.2.  Creating cross-border exchange opportunities for young entrepreneurs (Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs), by sending young people into shifts. 3.3. Accessing the European Volunteering Service program for the purpose of supporting Fitt (by receiving volunteers). 3.4. Implementation of mobility for youth workers by: organizing Erasmus + KA1 training sessions. 3.5.  Linking the needs of young people in timiş with those of young Europeans, by: Conducting a comparative analysis of timiş – states/cities where we have similar partners Fitt. 3.6. Development of Fitt as the youth Exchange HUB (meeting point between young people in exchanges, from programme countries, through Erasmus + KA1) projects. 3.7. Involvement of FITT members in the implementation or development of projects funded by the European Youth Foundation; 3.8. Encouraging members to develop European partnerships by: organising conferences that are central to cross-border cooperation for the participation of young people; Development of the Commit to be Fitt project under the Timinnovate programme, by Fitt, dedicated to Fitt members. 3.9. Creating practical/internship opportunities for young people, as support for Fitt activity. 3.10. accessing new European networks. 3.11. Development of relations with European institutions: Fitt becomes a direct partner of consultation and feedback in the field of public policy for youth. 3.12. Develop a comprehensive process for sending young people into youth mobility and training sessions. 3.13. Making partnerships for sending young people and youth workers. 3.14. Realization of intellectual products by: products made in strategic partnerships projects (Erasmus + KA2); Resources generated by training sessions, workshops, etc.

Target 4. Promoting European values

4.1. engaging in and organizing advocacy campaigns, for: promoting values, themes, ideas, expressing opinions, supporting causes, proposals, seeking solutions to raise the living standards of young people. 4.2. Involvement in the drafting of documents in the field of public policy for youth, in the spirit of implementing international, European, national, county and local strategic measures, by: formulating and submitting to the decision-makers of the Views on public policy documents for youth; Drafting strategies and action plans in the field of public policy for youth; formulating and submitting to the decision-makers of public policy proposals for youth. 4.3. The transformation of Fitt into the regional reference actor in youth participation – the voice of young people in the county (young people from NGOs and non-affiliated young people), by: conducting regular consultations with young people and organisations on public policies aimed at; Conducting studies, analyses, research on the involvement of young people in the decision-making process (which is transformed into recommendations, legislative proposals, amendments, etc.); Organizing bilateral meetings between Fitt and deciders (locally, county, national); The promotion, at national and European level, of the FITT Model on youth participation (Fitt management team model only from young people aged 18 to 35 years); Reactivation of the Advisory Council on youth issues near the city Hall of Timisoara, as well as the replication of the successful model at county level. 4.4. Fitt supports and encourages young people on active participation as citizens who participate in influencing decisions aimed at them by: developing a advocacy tool in the form of a think tank on all topics of youth interest (open Contributions from all young people in Timisoara and the county); The Think tank also carries out a advocacy activity at the level of local and county authorities.  

(III) Communication

Objective 1. Developing a rebranding strategy of Fitt

1.1. Developing a strategy by: creating a clear brand, as well as the explicit and visual Association of the following brands: Fitt, Timiş Youth County Foundation, Youth House, European Youth Centre, Incuboxx; Create a visual identity manual for internal and external communication (online and offline correspondence and communication, promotional materials, etc.); Transfer of the image capital from Timisoara-the youth capital of the Romanian Fitt.

Objective 2. Develop a communication plan for programmes and activities aimed at increasing the visibility of Fitt

2.1. Development of Fitt's Web page, so as to become: functional, relevant, updated, interactive. 2.2. Development of social media tools through: Facebook campaigns to increase the visibility of activities. 2.3. Creating brand promotional materials-look, following a well-defined template. 2.4. Keeping in touch with the press through regular press releases, as well as supporting press conferences. 2.5. Communication with partners and stakeholders. 2.6. The presence of Fitt at events of and for youth.

Target 3. Elaboration of a communication plan for the promotion of infrastructure

3.1. Development, within the Fitt Web page, of a section for the promotion of infrastructure. 3.2. Development, using social media tools, by: Conducting campaigns to promote the premises. 3.3. Keeping in touch with the press, by: sending, periodically, press releases; organizing press conferences; Making advertising spots to promote spaces. 3.4. Development of an online transmission system of the activities carried out in the Fitt infrastructure. 3.5. Communicating with potential investors and customers.  

(IV) Infrastructure

Objective 1. accessibility, guidance and information provided by Fitt are developed to updated standards

1.1. Providing the facility with access to and in the building by: opening all access routes for use, as well as ensuring the shortest road between two points of interest in the building; Building an elevator for people with disabilities, facilitating access to each floor (from basement to roof); Construction of ramps to ensure the access of persons with Locomotory, auditory and visual disabilities, using appropriate indicators; Construction, on each floor, of suitable baths for people with disabilities. 1.2. Ensuring the visibility of fitt in local orientation, by: location of road indicators with Fitt – Youth house; The emergence of Fitt – the Youth house in all information mechanisms at local level (printed maps, digital maps, tourist tour, etc.) 1.3. Facilitating the orientation in the building by: updating the numbering of the rooms and displaying them on the plates on the doors, as well as the indication of the toilets; The realization and location of a map of the premises in the building (mapping of the premises of the building with indications and directions of access); Location of an information totem in front of the building, with details of the activities carried out on the inside; Location of media for information flyers in the areas of interest in the building; Transposition of the visual identity elements of Fitt in places of interest in the building (e.g. logo, Web page, contact, etc.); Develop a centralized system of monitors for information in all common spaces in the building. 1.4. Development of facilities, by: Endowment with bike racks and trotinets; Installation of an electronic barrier for parking. 1.5. Equipment with hi-tech elements, by: installation of tablets in each room for direct connection with the administrative department (for assistance, similar to the panic button); Installing tablets for each room with the purpose of displaying appointments.

Objective 2. Facilities in the Fitt infrastructure ensure the smooth deployment of all activities for which the spaces were intended.

2.1. Equipping the auditorium to current standards. 2.2. The endowment of the lockers serving the halls of physical activities (2nd floor of the Youth house in Timisoara). 2.3. The endowment of the conference rooms and their coagulation in an area of the building. 2.4. Bathroom equipment. 2.5. Arranging a recreation/loisir area. 2.6. Development of a metering system for people entering the building. 2.7. Making meeting rooms with the necessary amenities: projector, wireless internet, laptop, flipchart, etc. 2.8. The development of a centralized wireless internet system covering the entire infrastructure. 2.9. Development of related facilities for the activity of Fitt infrastructure (accommodation, table, coffee shop)

Target 3. Transposition of the visual identity of Fitt and the Youth House, but also on adjacent spaces

3.1. Development of Fitt infrastructure from the outside, by: arranging the space in front of and from the side of the youth House, with a specific theme; Arranging the space behind the youth house with a specific theme; Arranging an open-air scene in the side of the Youth House (theatre, film projection, etc., in preparation for the year 2021, by the European Capital of Culture; Restoration and cleaning of the façade of the Youth house; The architectural illumination of the youth House, as well as the installation of a bright company. 3.2. Development of the interior of Fitt infrastructure, by: creative and colourful arrangement of common spaces and halls; Transposition of the visual identity elements of Fitt in places of interest in the House of Youth (e.g. logo, Web page, contact, etc.) 3.3. Development of a visual identity manual focused on the facilities in the halls with reference to design and color palette (e.g. Pieces of furniture), by: Creating a common design of the work tables from all over the building (bearing the Fitt logo); Purchase of "pear" armchairs (bearing the Fitt logo); Creating Intelligent storage spaces (cabinets) with a common design in which to integrate the laptop, sound system, etc.

Objective 4: Development of Fitt infrastructure

4.1. Development of a HUB for youth NGOs. 4.2. Development of useful space for Fitt youth activities. 4.3. Development of facilities on the roof of the building. 4.4. Development of a space of creative industries in the basement from the parking lot behind the building. 4.5. Renovation of the Youth house in Lugoj. 4.6. Development of a multifunctional space to facilitate online training sessions (registration, design, etc.). 4.7. Commissioning of projection facilities: reactivating the "Projection cab". 4.8. Expand the Office of programs and activities Department. 4.9. Organizing activity in the building in "cluster" areas: coagulating the same types of activities in a building area.

Target 5. Ensuring physical safety elements

5.1. Insurance and indication of exhaust exits in emergency situations, as well as appropriate endowment accompanied by opinions. 5.2. Development of strategies and installation of mechanisms appropriate to the monitoring and securing of goods and persons in the building. 5.3. Fitt infrastructure sanitization. 5.4. Implement appropriate measures to ensure the physical integrity of people entering the building. 5.5. Obtaining opinions for all buildings or modifications made to the Fitt infrastructure. 5.6. Development of a flood safety system.

Target 6. Ensuring efficient energy consumption and development of innovative hi-tech Systems

6.1. Development of green energy generating systems. 6.2. Development of an efficient and centralized energy consumption system.

Target 7. Developing an integrated system of procedures

7.1. Development of a methodology for the rental of premises in Fitt infrastructure to ensure benefits for young people. 7.2. Creation of a centralized and transparent system of use-renting of premises in Fitt infrastructure. 7.3. Developing a cloud system for Fitt's real-time inventory. 7.4. Development of a garbage selection strategy for all Fitt infrastructure. 7.5. Development of a "green building" strategy for all Fitt infrastructure. 7.6. Development of a system of teaching-reception of Fitt goods and premises.  

(V) Fundraising & Grants

Objective 1. Planning the fundraising activity

1.1. The creation of the fundraising plan, through the following steps: identification and evaluation of variations tailored to infrastructure, organisational and activities needs; Building the fundraising plan based on the Fitt 2017-2022 strategy and the assumed vision; Creating a branding to serve the purpose of fundraising (making materials with Fitt branding and using distinct slogans under which all campaigns are conducted). 1.2. Implementation of the fundraising plan. 1.3. Assessment of fundraising activity and adaptation of methods to improve results.

Objective 2. Fundraising Team

2.1. Establishment of annual indicators. 2.2. Making selection criteria for recruiting the team. 2.3. Staffs in an internal training programme (for understanding the vision, strategy and functioning of Fitt) and external training with fundraising specialists.

Target 3. Planning applications to obtain grants

3.1. Identification of grants for the NGO environment. 3.2. Create a calendar of apps: It will only contain grants for which projects can be applied whose objectives are consistent with the Fitt 2017-2022 strategy. 3.3. Preparing the staff for access to grants, through: participation in training sessions for project writing and information sessions on certain grants.

Target 4. Creating a strategy to use public utility status for access to direct public funding

4.1. Identify opportunities for direct support, public utility NGO status at local and county level, in line with the Fitt 2017-2022 strategy for programmes and activities, but also for infrastructure development. 4.2. Realization of a presentation map in which all goods, portfolio and Fitt results (on the model used for fundraising campaigns) are valued. 4.3. Identify opportunities for direct support for public utility status at the level of the Ministry of Youth and Sport, in line with the Fitt 2017-2022 strategy for programmes and activities, but also for the development of Infrastructure.  

(VI) Organisational development

Objective 1. Internal procedures

1.1. Drafting, adoption and implementation of administrative, financial, security at work, internal communication procedures. 1.2. Drafting, adoption and implementation of management procedures, management risk and reporting. 1.3. Drafting, adoption and implementation of volunteer management procedures. 1.4. Drafting, adoption and implementation of reporting procedures on public utility status. 1.5. Evaluation and Annual Review of procedures (on implementation rate indicators and adaptation to legislative changes).

Objective 2. Implementation of the action plan (with performance indicators)

2.1. Drafting, adopting and implementing the ' 5-year action plan for the Fitt 2017-2022 strategy ' within 60 days of its adoption. 2.2. Drafting, approving and implementing the ' 5-year management plan for each department ' in order to implement the Fitt 2017-2022 strategy and the 5-year action plan for the Fitt 2017-2022 strategy, within 30 days of Adoption of the latter. 2.3. Adaptation of post sheets and performance indicators for employees and volunteers, based on the management plan for each department, within 30 days of the latter's approval.

Target 3. Fitt Members

3.1. Carrying out monitoring activities, support, promotion of Fitt members. 3.2. Attracting a larger number of organisations active in the youth sector by: Creating a database of all organizations in the county; Create a link with organizations that are not members of the foundation. 3.3. Identify the needs of the member organisations, through dialogue with each organisation, with the aim of: examining/Questioning the needs of organisations; Centralizing the needs of organisations. 3.4. Implementation of an internal communication mechanism between all the entities of the foundation.