
Legal framework of Fitt

The legal framework for establishing, organising and operating youth foundations in general and Fitt, in particular, has presented various transformations over the years as follows:  

Decree-Law No. 150/1990 on the establishment of youth foundations

Published in the Official Gazette, part I No. 75 of 21 May 1990.

The Provisional Council of National Union decrees: 

Article. 1.

On the date of this Decree-law is established in the counties and in Bucharest municipality the youth Foundations, legal persons of public utility, established in county residences.

Article. 2.

The heritage of foundations for youth is constituted by the goods, including cash, which belonged to former Communist youth organisations in the counties and the municipality of Bucharest, as well as from donations, linked and other sources originating in Conditions of the law.

Article. 3.

The aim of youth foundations is to manage its own heritage for the benefit of all young people and youth organisations, with the exception of organisations belonging to political parties and formations. Youth foundations cannot have any purpose contrary to the order of law, the principles of democracy and the assurance of fundamental human rights.

Article. 4.

The management of the youth foundations referred to in article 1 shall be ensured by councils consisting of representatives of all legal youth organisations established at the level of counties and the municipality of Bucharest, with the exception of those belonging to Parties and Political formations.

Article. 5.

The rules on the organisation, operation and representation of foundations in relations with State bodies and third parties shall be established by the Council of the Foundation by regulation.

Article. 6.

The goods, including money, of former Communist youth organisations from businesses and institutions, are the property of newly established youth organisations. The goods, including cash, in the patrimony of the former Communist Youth organisation, administered in the past centrally, pass into conservation to the State; Their legal regime is to be established subsequently, in consultation with the National Youth organisations established nationally and the representatives of the Councils of Youth foundations of the counties and the municipality of Bucharest.

Article. 7.

Handing over the goods of the former Communist Youth organization to the youth foundations established according to art. 1 shall be made by those who have them in conservation or administration within 30 days of the entry into force of this Decree-Law and the takeover shall be provided by committees designated by the Councils of the foundations of each county and the municipality of Bucharest.

Article. 8.

any provision contrary to this Decree-law shall be repealed.  

  After 12 years, in which the purpose of the foundations was "managing own assets for the benefit of all young people and youth organisations, with the exception of organisations belonging to political parties and formations", law 146 relocations the priorities and Establishes that ' (1) the youth counties and the municipality of Bucharest are aimed at developing, organising and financing specific programmes and training, educating and training youth in the spirit of humanistic traditions, values Democracy and aspirations of the Romanian society. (2) In order to achieve the purpose set out in para. (1) The County foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest administer its own patrimony and resources, under the law, for the benefit of young people and youth structures interested in the administrative-territorial unit Concerned. ' Also, the management of foundations, which was ensured by "councils consisting of representatives of all legal youth organisations established at the level of counties and the municipality of Bucharest, with the exception of those belonging to parties and formations Policy "(according to Decree-Law No. 150/1990), is transferred as follows:" 1. The management of the county foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest shall be ensured by a council consisting of 5 members, of which: a) 3 appointed by the county Council , namely the General Council of the Bucharest municipality; (b) 2 elected among the associative youth structures representative at the level of the administrative-territorial unit concerned, expressing their adhesion to the purpose of the foundation "(according to Law 146/2002)  

Law No. 146/2002 on the legal regime of the county foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest

In force since 13 August 2002. Last Amendment on 03 December 2002.

The Parliament of Romania adopts this law.

Chapter I General Provisions

Article. 1.

The purpose of this law is to establish the legal regime of the county foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest, as well as the legal regime of heritage belonging to the former Communist Youth Union-U.T.C.

Article. 2.

For the purposes of this law, the county foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest are legal persons governed by private and public, autonomous, non-governmental, non-political and non-profit-making, established under the provisions of Decree-Law No. 150/1990 on the establishment of youth foundations, unique at the level of each county and the municipality of Bucharest.

Article. 3.

(1) The Counties for Youth and the Municipality of Bucharest are aimed at developing, organising and financing specific programmes and training, educating and training youth in the spirit of humanities, democracy values and Romanian society's aspirations. (2) In order to achieve the purpose set out in para. (1) The County foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest administer its own patrimony and resources, under the law, for the benefit of young people and youth structures interested in the administrative-territorial unit That. (3) The premises of the county foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest are located in the county and Bucharest municipality.

Article. 4. Repealed

Chapter II Youth and Bucharest County foundations

Section 1 organisation and functioning of the youth county Foundations and the Municipality of Bucharest

Article. 5.

The governing and control bodies of the county foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest are: a) the governing Board; b) Censors ' committee.

Art. 6-art. 9. Repealed
Article. 10.

(1) The management of the county foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest shall be ensured by a council consisting of 5 members, of which: a) 3 appointed by the County Council, namely the General Council of the Bucharest municipality; (b) 2 elected among the associative youth structures representative at the level of the administrative-territorial unit concerned, expressing their adhesion to the purpose of the foundation. 2. Within 30 days of the establishment, the county Council, namely the General Council of the Bucharest municipality, shall appoint the three members referred to in para. (1) lit. a). The mandate of those previously appointed shall cease in law on the date of appointment of new members. 3. Within the period laid down in para. (2) The associative youth structures are required to elect the members referred to in para. (1) lit. b). (4) The members of the Governing board will be proposed among people with experience in the field of youth, with professional probity and who are not members of political parties. 5. The Governing board shall consist of: a) the Chairperson; (b) Vice-President; c) Secretary; D) 2 members. 6. The Governing board shall be deliberating in the presence of most of its members and the decisions are to be taken at least 3 votes. Each member has one vote, and in case of parity of votes, the president's vote is decisive. 7. The procedure for appointing and electing members of the Governing Board, cases of termination of their mandate and the organisation and functioning of the Governing Board shall be determined by the regulation implementing this law.

Article. 11.

1. The Governing Board shall have the following main tasks: a) Ensure the management of the Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality; b) Ensure the proper administration and integrity of the heritage of the Youth County Foundation or Bucharest municipality; c) organise and ensure the management of the accounting values and financial-patrimonial operations of the Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality, according to the legal norms; D) establishes the amounts allocated by the County Youth Foundation or the Bucharest municipality to support its own programmes or to support youth structures in the implementation of their programmes; e) Decides on the organization chart and the state of functions of the salarized staff of the County Youth Foundation or the Bucharest municipality; f) Approves the salary grid for the employed staff of the county Youth Foundation or Bucharest municipality; (g) Decides on the establishment of reports of the Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality with the state authorities or their decentralised services; h) has the right to control, in accordance with the law and the internal rules of organisation and operation, in all the compartments of activity of the Youth County Foundation or the municipality of Bucharest; i) elect and revoke the members of the auditing Committee on functions; j) Approve and amend its own internal rules of organisation and functioning, within the limits of the law and the regulation implementing this law; K) Approves the strategic plan on the programmes and activities of the Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality; L) Approves the revenue and expenditure budget of the Youth County Foundation or Bucharest municipality; m) Approves the balance sheet of the Youth County Foundation or Bucharest municipality; N) Approves the annual report of the Censors Committee on the verification and certification of the accounting balance sheet of the Youth County Foundation or Bucharest municipality; O) Approves the investment plan of the Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality and their performance; P) Exercise other tasks provided for in the law, in the regulation implementing this law or in the internal organisation and functioning regulation. (2) The members of the Governing Board shall be liable, according to the law, for the adoption of judgments contrary to the normative acts in force.

Article. 12. Repealed
Article. 13.

(1) The President of the Youth County Foundation or the Municipality of Bucharest has the following main tasks: a) represents the foundation in relation to natural or legal persons from the country and abroad; (b) Inform the representative youth associations of the county on the work of the Governing Board; c) lead the work of the Governing Board; D) Sign the decisions of the Governing Board; e) Perform any other tasks provided for by law, regulation of application of this law, and the internal rules of organisation and functioning. 2. In the event of the impossibility of exercising duties by the President of the Foundation, the Governing Board shall delegate its tasks to the Vice-President or, in exceptional circumstances, to another member of the governing Board.

Article. 14.

The governing board of the county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest is not entitled to the decisions or decisions taken to engage in the internal activity of the associative youth structures, representative of the county level.

Article. 15.

(1) The Auditing Commission shall exercise the internal financial control of the Youth County Foundation or the municipality of Bucharest, supervise and control accounting activities and verify the management of the entire patrimony under the terms of the law. 2. The Auditing Commission shall consist of 3 members appointed by the Governing Board, the Chairperson must be an accounting expert. 3. Members of the Board of directors may not also be members of the auditing committee.

Article. 16.

The censors Commission has the following main tasks: a) verifies how the patrimony of the Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality is managed; (b) Draw up reports and submit them to the governing Board at its request; c) draw up and propose to the governing Board, for approval, the own annual report on the verification and certification of the balance sheet of the Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality; D) attend the meetings of the Governing board without voting rights; e) Perform any other tasks provided for by law, regulation implementing the provisions of this law, as well as the internal rules of organisation and functioning.

Article. 17.

The designation rules, the procedures for convening and the specific tasks of the members, as well as other rules concerning the organisation and functioning of the Auditing Committee, shall be determined by the regulation implementing the provisions of this Law and by The internal rules of organisation and operation.

Article. 18.

The county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest collaborate with each other, with other associative youth structures, the direction for youth and the respective county sport or the municipality of Bucharest, the Ministry of Youth and Sport And with specialised institutions in the field.

Section 2 of the Patrimony of the youth county foundations or the municipality of Bucharest

Article. 19.

(1) The Patrimony of the County Foundation for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest consists of: a) buildings-construction and land-, cash and other assets belonging to the former Communist Youth Union organisation in that county Or the municipality of Bucharest; b) Immovable property, as well as material and financial funds acquired during the operation of the Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality. (2) The patrimony provided for in para. (1) is managed for the benefit of young people and youth structures concerned, with the exception of youth organisations belonging to political parties and formations. 3. Where, for objective reasons, immovable property referred to in para. (1) They may not be used as premises or do not exist, the county councils, namely the General Council of Bucharest, shall be obliged to ensure free, within 30 days from the date of entry into force of the regulation implementing the provisions This law, an establishment corresponding to the activity of the youth county foundations or the municipality of Bucharest, in the municipalities of the county residence.

Article. 20.

(1) goods which belonged to the former organisation of the Communist Youth Union in the counties and in the Bucharest municipality, taken over by the county youth and the Bucharest municipality, covered by the present law, shall remain in Their property, and if subsequently acquired another destination, it shall be reintegrated, unconditionally and without payment, in the patrimony of the respective youth county foundations or the municipality of Bucharest, which is constituted as a successor of law. 2. It shall at the same time be reintegrated unconditionally and without payment and the goods specified in para. (1) which have not been taken in accordance with the provisions of Decree-Law No. 150/1990 and which have passed on to the patrimony of other legal or physical persons. (21) The provisions of para. (1) and (2) shall not apply in the case of: a) property acquired, as a valid basis, by natural or legal persons; b) buildings which have acquired, in compliance with the provisions of the law, a public utility after 22 December 1989. (3) reintegration of goods referred to in para. (1) and (2) shall be made on the basis of a teaching-takeover protocol within 30 days from the date of entry into force of the regulation implementing the provisions of this law. (4) The county councils, namely the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest, shall be responsible for the takeover by the respective youth County foundations or the Bucharest municipality of such goods, in good condition, in accordance with the procedures laid down Regulation implementing the provisions of this law. (5) The counties of Youth and the Municipality of Bucharest will act on legal or natural persons who refuse to carry out the procedure for the surrender of goods. 6. The holders of the goods referred to in para. (1) and (2), to be reintegrated into the heritage of the youth county foundations or the municipality of Bucharest, are obliged to make available to the empowerment of the youth County foundations or the municipality of Bucharest all documents relating to these goods. (7) The entry of ownership of immovable property acquired by the county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest shall be made in the land books, with the exemption for payment of the fees provided for by law. (8) The legal actions formulated by the Youth counties and the Bucharest municipality for the application of the provisions of this article are exempt from stamp duty. (9) The counties of youth or the municipality of Bucharest may strike or alienate movable or immovable property financed wholly or partly from public funds, through programmes carried out after 1989, with the agreement of the authorising officer of the programme Respectively. The sale shall be made by public auction, in accordance with the legislation in force. (10) The County foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest cannot alienate real estate-construction and land-which belonged to the former county organisation of the Communist Youth Union. This provision does not also cover immovable property acquired by the county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest and which is not the subject of this law.

Section 3-Financing of the youth county foundations or the municipality of Bucharest

Article. 21.

(1) The Regional foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest, under the conditions of this law, may receive sums from the state budget and local budgets only for the financing of public utility programmes for youth. These amounts shall be ensured on the basis of contracts concluded between the county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest and the central or local public administration bodies, as the case may be. 2. The contract shall include provisions on: the subject matter and the volume of the specific activities, the parameters to be achieved, the amount established for the financing of the programmes, broken down by objectives, activities and costs, obligations and Responsibilities of the parties. The provisions of the contract have full power for the two parties, forming part of technical, financial and administrative rules.

Article. 22.

The sources of funding of the county foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest come from: a) donations, related and sponsorships; (b) Amounts for the financing of own programmes or, where applicable, programmes carried out in collaboration with the youth and County Sport Directorates, respectively with other central or local public administration bodies and other authorising officers; (c) Amounts remaining in the preceding financial year; (d) Revenues derived from economic activities carried out in relation to their purpose and object of activity; e) Other revenues made under the terms of the law.

Article. 23.

1. Income, irrespective of the source, and expenses of any kind of the county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest shall be contained in an annual budget. 2. The management of the annual revenue and expenditure budget shall be: a) according to the competences laid down in the internal regulation for the organisation and functioning of the respective Youth County Foundation or the Municipality of Bucharest, for the income accordance with the legal provisions in force; (b) Under the conditions laid down in the contracts concluded between the parties, for the amounts granted by the Central and local public administration bodies to finance the programmes of the respective Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality. 3. The annual budget, at the revenue side, shall comprise, where appropriate: a) own income, as well as amounts for the financing of public utility programmes for youth; (b) Amounts granted by the Central and local public administration bodies for the financing on a programme basis of the respective Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality. (4) The counties of youth or the Municipality of Bucharest may conclude loan agreements and may issue credit cards, provided that such legal acts are concluded for the purpose of carrying out the object of activity.

Article. 24.

The income of the county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest is not taxable and includes: a) donations and amounts or goods received by sponsorship; (b) Interest and dividends obtained from the placement of the availability of such income under the terms of the law; (c) revenues made from performances; d) Resources obtained from the State budget and/or local budgets; (e) Revenues derived from the administration or, where appropriate, from the valorisation of the assets in their assets; (f) The dividends of companies established by the county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest, in which they are associated, under the terms of art. 26 para. (1), if used to fulfill the purpose of the Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality; g) Other revenues made under the terms of the law.

Article. 25.

The county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest are exempt from corporation tax when using at least 80% of the revenues obtained from any source in order to achieve the objectives for which they were authorised, including Investment expenditure and facilities, as well as for operating expenses.

Article. 26.

(1) The County foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest may not be transformed into companies. The county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest may establish companies without the involvement of the original patrimony referred to in art. 19 para. (1) lit. a). Dividends obtained from the activities of these companies shall be used compulsorily to achieve the purpose of the foundation. (2) The Youth County foundations or the Municipality of Bucharest may carry out any economic activities if they are ancillary and are related to the purpose of the foundation. 3. Funds resulting from the pursuit of economic, civil or commercial activities shall be used exclusively for the purposes of the objectives of the respective Youth County Foundation or the municipality of Bucharest.

Article. 27.

The organizational structure and the number of employees of the Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality will be so dimensioned that the salary is made only from the income of the foundation.

Article. 28.

1. Authorising officers from the state budget or local budgets shall verify how the funds allocated to the programmes conducted by/with the respective Youth County Foundation or the Bucharest municipality are used. (2) The county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest shall be subject to financial checks according to the law and the internal rules of organisation and operation.

Article. 29.

(1) At the level of each county, the assessment, supervision and control of the work of the Youth County Foundation or Bucharest municipality shall be exercised by a Commission consisting of one representative of the Directorate for Youth and County Sport, The municipality of Bucharest, the prefect, the county Council, and the General Council of the Bucharest Municipality and the General Directorate of County Public Finances. 2. The mode of organisation and operation and the tasks of the Commission referred to in para. (1) shall be determined by the regulation implementing the provisions of this law. (3) Acts and acts of violation of law, public order and morality shall be seised by the Commission referred to in para. (1) Courts or prosecution bodies, as appropriate. 4. The local public administration authorities shall collaborate with the youth County foundations or the Municipality of Bucharest in order to carry out joint youth programmes.

Section 4-The duration of operation and dissolution of the county foundations for youth or the municipality of Bucharest

Article. 30.

The county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest are constituted for an indefinite duration.

Article. 31.

(1) The County foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest shall be dissolved by judgment if: a) the activity of the Youth County Foundation or the municipality of Bucharest has become unlawful or contrary to public order or morality ; b) The achievement of the purpose is pursued by unlawful means or contrary to public order or morality. 2. The legal action may be introduced by the Commission referred to in article 29 para. (1), the Public Ministry and any interested person. (3) The county foundations for youth or the municipality of Bucharest are dissolved by law in the following cases: a) maladministration of the patrimony; (b) Failure to fulfil the purpose for which they were constituted or pursuing a purpose other than that for which they were constituted; (c) The Governing Board shall not be constituted within the time limit set out in article 10 para. (2) and (3) and this situation lasts for more than 30 days; d) The Youth County Foundation or the Municipality of Bucharest shall not be reorganized within the period laid down in art. 58 para. (2). 4. The determination of the dissolution of law shall be carried out by decision of the Commission referred to in article 29 para. (1) At the request of any interested person.

Article. 32.

1. For any legal action, irrespective of the subject matter provided for in this law, in order to settle the applications for establishment, and any disputes arising from the application of this law, jurisdiction shall be subject to the county tribunal or The municipality of Bucharest in whose territorial radius the foundation is located. (2) repealed (3) Judgments at first instance may be appealed only on appeal.

Article. 33.

1 At the dissolution of a county foundation for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest, its goods pass into the county public domain and in the administration of the county Council on whose territorial radius the Youth Foundation is located. 2 In the event of dissolution of a county foundation for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest, the county Council shall be required to retrieve the goods referred to in art. 20 para. (1) Sentence II and para. (2), with the exception of those provided for in art. 20 para. (21), which, until the date of dissolution, have not been reintegrated into the patrimony of that foundation, para. (5) to (8) of the same article applying accordingly. The goods taken over under the terms of this paragraph shall enter the public domain of the county and in the administration of the county Council.

Chapter III


Chapter IV

Transitional and final provisions

Article. 58.

(1) The County foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest, established until the date of entry into force of this law, under the terms of the Decree-Law Nr. 150/1990, retain their legal personality acquired. 2. Within 30 days from the date of entry into force of the regulation implementing the provisions of this law, the county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest shall be organised or reorganized, as appropriate, under the provisions of the law. 3. Within the period laid down in para. (2) The county councils, namely the General Council of Bucharest, as well as the associative youth structures at the level of each county, are required to appoint or choose, where appropriate, the members of the Governing Board of the foundation. (4) The Ministry of Youth and Sport shall keep records of the county foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest, according to the regulation implementing the provisions of this law, by the Register of County foundations for youth and The municipality of Bucharest, having the obligation to immediately communicate any changes occurring in their organisation, operation and activity. In applying the provisions of this paragraph, the Ministry of Youth and Sport may develop methodological norms, which are approved by order of the Minister of Youth and Sport.

Article. 581.

If at the level of a county the Youth County Foundation is not organized within the period laid down in art. 58 para. (2) The patrimony of the former Communist Youth Union in that county, with the exception of the goods referred to in art. 20 para. (21), passes in the public domain of the county and in the administration of the county Council. The provisions of art. 33 para. (2) shall apply accordingly.

Article. 59.

(1) The inventory of goods which belonged to the former Communist Youth Union on 22 December 1989 shall be carried out, at the level of each county, by the Commission referred to in art. 29 para. (1) and shall be approved by decision of the Government by 1 March 2003. 2. The inventory shall contain both information on the current legal status of the goods referred to in para. (1) and their legal circuit as from 22 December 1989 to the present date.

Article. 60. –Repealed
Article. 61.

Provisions of Decree No. 31/1954 in respect of natural persons and legal persons, the county foundations for youth or the Municipality of Bucharest are duly applied, except those provisions which are contrary to the rules laid down in this law.

Article. 62.

This law shall enter into force on 120 days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of Romania, part I. The same date shall be repealed by any other contrary provision.  

  After a period of more than 3 years, in which "(1) the management of the county foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest shall be ensured by a council consisting of 5 members, of which: a) 3 appointed by the County Council, and the General Council of The municipality of Bucharest; (b) 2 elected among the associative youth structures representative of the administrative-territorial unit concerned, expressing their adhesion to the purpose of the foundation "(according to Law 146/2002), in the year 2006, the Youth Act plays the leadership Foundations of General assemblies, which are ' composed of representatives of non-governmental youth organisations established in that administrative-territorial unit and expressing their adhesion to their purpose '.  

Young Law No. 350/2006 the

In force since 25 September 2006. Last amendment on December 25th 2017

Chapter II structures of Central and local public administration with responsibilities in the field of youth work

Section 6 of the local public administration

Article. 10. 1. Local and county public administration authorities shall ensure the institutional framework and conditions for youth participation in decision-making in the youth field. (2) In all youth issues, the local councils of municipalities and towns are required to organise consultation procedures with non-governmental youth and youth organisations established at the level of that establishment Administrative-territorial. (3) In all matters relating to youth, the local councils of the municipalities and the districts of Bucharest, the General Council of Bucharest, as well as the county councils are required to organise procedures for Consultation with the county foundations for youth, namely the Municipality of Bucharest, as well as with non-governmental youth and youth organisations, constituted at the level of that administrative-territorial unit.

Chapter III non-governmental youth and youth structures

Section 2 of the Youth County Foundations and the Municipality of Bucharest and the National Youth Foundation

Article. 13. (1) The County foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest, established under the provisions of Decree-Law No. 150/1990 on the establishment of youth foundations, are legal persons of private and public, autonomous, non-governmental, non-political and non-profit-making, unique at the level of each county and the municipality of Bucharest, whose General assemblies shall consist of representatives of non-governmental youth organisations established in that administrative-territorial unit and expressing their adherence to their purpose. (2) The mode of organisation and operation, as well as other provisions relating to the county foundations for youth and the Municipality of Bucharest, shall be established by law. Article. 14. (1) The National Youth Foundation is a legal person of private and public law, autonomous, non-governmental, non-political and non-profit-making, the General Assembly of which consists of representatives of the county foundations for Youth and the Municipality of Bucharest, which expresses its adhesion to its purpose.  

Chapter V Financing of Youth work

Section 1 Financing of public youth activity

Article. 27. For the financing of public activity in the field of youth, the corresponding amounts shall be allocated annually by the State budget law. Article. 28. (1) The county councils and the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest, as well as the local councils of the municipalities of the county residence, constitute annually, within their own budgets, the Youth fund. (11) Local councils other than those referred to in para. (1), may constitute annually, within their own budgets, the Youth fund. (2) The Youth Fund provided for in para. (1) It is used to finance the youth work of non-governmental public utility structures and youth, as well as youth activities of local interest, established by consulting the Youth County foundations, The municipality of Bucharest, as well as non-governmental youth and youth organisations within the range of the administrative-territorial unit concerned.